Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Further Broadside Business

So here we have one broadside with its basecoat of Stonewall Grey on the Rail Rifles and the other without the basecoat. Yesterday, I continued work on them and got a little bit further...

...and I decided I hate painting white on large flat areas...

They got their white highlight on all the parts that needed it, but the colour isn't even. I already knew from before that I need to water the white paint down quite a lot, but if you water it down a little too much, it becomes splotchy and you need to apply 3 to 4 coats. Also, it dries really fast so you need to thin it down a lot during the time you're using it.

I need to apply at least one other coat of white before the color is even. After that, onto detailing!


  1. I found an easier way to do white, use ulathen grey as the white and edge highlight using pure white the grey covers easier then white.

    1. The Stonewall grey I use is kind of like the Ulthuan grey but I prefer a larger white highlight than line highlighting... unfortunately, that involves larger spaces with even white color...


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