Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Devilfish is in the Details

After the previous update giving color to the fish, yesterday, I took back some of the color...

I painted the parts that need to be black back in black. Then, after some time playing out WWII tank battles, I returned to the fish and started highlighting the black parts (engine vents, air intakes at the front, landing gear, ...). I used a drybrush of Stonewall grey for this (to me, stonewall grey is the sepia wash of greys... I appear to be using it for everything these days).

I accidentally hit a purple edge of an engine with the brush and to my surprise, it looked weathered and dusty... just what I need for my army, as it is based in an arid wasteland theme. So then I got carried away and some time later, I had a dusty and weathered devilfish.

Cue photo...

It really looks as though it's been speeding around desert plains, the sand scraping away at the edges of the hull and building up in the recesses.

So before, I wasn't sure about the camo scheme and how it turned out, and I was a little miffed that I forget the pre-wash edge highlight, but now, I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Next up... detailing!
And I'm waiting for some Vallejo Model Air White so I can airbrush on some markings...

As you can see, sometimes, you just need some dumb luck (- or accident) to push you in the right direction. Anything like this happened to you?

1 comment:

  1. Look simular to a old scheme of mine. Wash a blue wash over black. Becomes a petrol like colour.


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